Many of our clients have been able to benefit from the rise of crypto currencies in one way or another with no hassle to them. Take a look at some our clients.

Tim owns a wireless phone store owner who needed to boost up sales and for his business and stand out for the big box retailer. After getting his store an ATM it has become one of the premier destinations for clients. With this new addition Tim has been able to gain access to new and repeat customers consistently who visit his store to use the crypto currency that is already on their phones.

Marcy owns a yoga studio and got approved for an atm and now her customer traffic has increased to almost 4 times as many customers than before.

Cheryl is a new convenience store owner located near a busy Airport and is often seeing potential business being located to her competition across the street. Now that she has installed an ATM in her location many people fly in searching for ATM for pull up her location first and her business is no longer watching customers go next door.

Jenny owns a clothing store and needed to draw in more of an audience and wanted to target consumers that fit her stores demographic. After receiving her atm for her store sales increased over 20%

jae owns a small cafe and needed money to take over the space next door. After needing a way to separate his store from his competition, Jae obtained an atm and now has frequent repeat high paying customers along with new ones due to constant usage of his ATM. As you can image, Jae is happy.

Rodrigo owns a car wash and he got approved for an atm after being told that his business couldn’t make use of one. Now Rodrigo as turned his car wash into one of the premier locations to visit in town.

Michael owns a gas station and has frequent traffic in and out. With his new bitcoin ATM he has seen and gradual increase in sales and usage of his machine throughout his business.

Jerry is a Retail Shopping Center Property Manager who wanted to generate new business his existing retail stores in addition to giving his outlet and edge of his competition. With his new ATM Jerry has been able to watch his foot traffic throughout the shopping center expand along with attracting more retails interested in filling his locations.

Fred is a surf shop owner is always keeping his clients up on the latest trend. After realizing that many of clients were asking for crypto payment methods he decided not to be left behind and ordered an ATM to meet the needs of his clients easily.

Mika has a Deli shop sees international travelers all the time being listed as one of the top places to eat in the city. To make things easy for her clients and gain some more notoriety she added an ATM in her location provide her and her customers with lower fees for them and more revenue for her.

Lisa has a Laundromat is pretty close to a local university that a lot of international students use. She needed a way to cater to her clients that need to be able to exchange their currency quickly and cheaply so after getting her atm she notice and influx in customers and users month after month.

Lee owns an adult beverage store and just wanted another source of income and was interested in owning an atm. So he decided to order an atm for his location and now has an additional source of income.